For those of you who don’t know me,
I’m Coach Rick:
Author, Life Coach, Composer, Musician, Entrepreneur, Husband and Father.
Here’s my Story. Not that long ago, my life appeared to come to a screeching halt. I was totally crushed and defeated. I found myself working in a tiny silver trailer on the busiest corner in downtown Nashville. What was I doing? Selling hotdogs to drunk people from 8pm until 2-3 hours after the bars closed, which was usually around 4am. Then I’d drive home in the dark and try to sleep during the day.
Because of some unfortunate life circumstances, I had lost almost everything. My house, vehicles, especially my self-esteem – and on top of all that, my wife and I were forced to declare bankruptcy. It was humiliating. As an employee, in a silver trailer that was so small I couldn’t even stand up straight, I found myself questioning if this is what I was born to do! What happened to My Dream? Maybe I needed to live out what I had taught so many people: “Do the best – with what you have.” Another truth kept coming to mind: “Bloom where you’re planted.” Really? In a hotdog trailer? Yup. That’s where I made the decision to be The Best Hotdog Vendor in Nashville! I soon became well-known as Rick, the Hotdog Guy, and for several years, I served up thousands of the most popular hotdogs in all of Nashville!
Looking back at my early twenties, I was blessed with some life-changing opportunities, like entertaining U.S. troops around the world during the Vietnam War. Our band worked for the Department of Defense and did USO Shows from Alaska (flying around in helicopters at 50 degrees below zero) down the Pacific Rim from South Korea to Japan, the Philippines, the jungles of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, as well as shows in Australia, Hawaii, and military bases throughout Europe.
We actually became the most popular band of over 800 USO groups! I’ll never forget being on the runway in Manila, Philippines, with Peter Jennings from ABC News, where we greeted the first P.O.W.s who were flown out of Vietnam!
Later on, I put my singing talents to good use in Nashville recording studios and on stage with country music icons and popular Christian artists.
Before becoming Rick, the Hotdog Guy, I spent decades as a Pastoral Counselor in Nashville churches, giving guidance to hundreds of people of all ages – helping them discover what they were born to do – and how to make it happen!
Along the way, I poured my creative talents into working for various companies – many of which went belly up, or split up my territories, or cut me out of major profits. My trust factor hit rock bottom. So did our finances.
In order to pay the rent and put food on the table, I was working third shift in a Hotdog Trailer. But the Coaching never stopped. It’s who I am. For several years, I listened to hundreds of confused, angry, hopeless and even homeless people who poured out their hearts to me. Then I was able to give them direction to find a job, save their marriage, further their education, or whatever they needed at that moment. Many of them just wanted to hear me say “You have real value – and God has a great plan for your life!”
It took a while, but I finally had that all-important “A-ha Moment”. I discovered that My Dream is to help people just like you Discover Your Dream – Create Your Own Plan to make it happen – and begin Living Your Dream Destiny! But how was I going to do that?
I knew that I had to do something different. So, between hotdog sales, I began writing the book that would change everything: “Strategy For Destiny: What Were You Born To Do?” I couldn’t shake the words God spoke in Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you – plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you Hope and a Future!”
That Hope turned into a book and the Online Course that transformed the lives of my Beta Testers!
Here’s the Bottom Line: Through all the heartache and discouragement, the good decisions and the regrettably bad ones, I’ve used these frustrating setbacks as a springboard to encourage you to continue moving forward – and doggedly pursue Your Dream Destiny!
Now, as Coach Rick, I’m able to dedicate the rest of my life to dramatically improving people’s lives! Through Strategy For Destiny, you can learn from my triumphs and my failures. Your “A-ha Moment” is waiting for you. Are you ready?